**Graphic Content Warning**
So I'm just sitting here realizing that it has been a very long time since I last posted a blog. I have just been so busy and haven't taken the time to sit down and write. I actually had to have a second surgery yesterday because of an infection in my right breast. The doctor isn't sure why it happened, especially a month post surgery, but it did, and when the antibiotics weren't working, he decided he needed to go in and figure out the problem. He decided this on Thursday morning, and booked the surgery for Friday morning. I was really upset though, because I really didn't want to go back into surgery, and it meant they had to postpone someone else's surgery in order to accomodate me. I remember how upset I was when they postponed my surgery the first time, so it made me feel terrible. Either way, the doctor felt it was important enough to do it, and now that it's all over, i'm kinda happy he did it.

Last Sunday afternoon I started feeling really crappy. I was shivering and shaking and really achy and I just knew something wasn't right. I had been outside all afternoon with the neighbor kids, so I thought maybe I was just exhausted from that. I woke up Monday morning and still didn't feel very good and the fever hadn't subsided. I had to work at the radio Monday because it was Memorial Day, so I took some tylenol and went on my way. I started to feel a bit better, and by Monday night, I was feeling better. But the right breast wasn't looking right. It was really red, really puffy, and way more achy then it had been. I had an appointment scheduled with Dr.Ross Tuesday morning, so I just waited to see him. As soon as he came in the room and saw it, he knew there was a problem. He decided to still proceed with expanding the left breast, and then he starting removing fluid from around the expander on the right breast. One of these days i'll have pictures to post to show how they do it, because it's pretty cool. He wrote me a prescription for antibiotics and booked another appointment for the next day. When I went back on Wednesday, the infection still hadn't subsided, and the fluid had built back up again. This time the doctor decided to put a needle into the bottom of the breast to try to remove fluid. Heres the thing, when he puts the needle in at the top, I have no feeling there from the surgery. But when puts the needle in at the bottom, where I have feeling, it hurts. I don't think I've EVER screamed so loud in my entire life! Thank God it only lasted a couple of minutes but it seemed like forever. He booked me to see him again on Thursday morning. The nurses in the clinic all know me by name now, and ironically, I know one of the secretaries sisters who is at the clinic as well. When I would get to my appointments, they would page Dr.Ross to tell him I was there. Apparently Dr.Ross is the "Mc Dreamy" around that clinic. I'm not too sure why, he's not really anything special, and aside from that, he's old! When I saw him again on Thursday, that's when he decided that things weren't healing up, and that I was going to need surgery. He said the next place he would be seeing me was the OR in the morning. Not what I wanted to hear! But I guess it was for the best. Considering last night I was able to get to the pharmacy, the bank & still go for pizza on the patio with friends (I didn't drive of course (thanks Trevor)), the surgery wasn't too bad. I had a good sleep lastnight, (back to my chair again for a few days) and i'm sure i'll nap a lot today, but otherwise feeling good. The nurse will be in shortly to look at my dressings. I hate that I have to have a nurse though because i'm pretty independent and could probably do it all myself. I will be calling my neighbor later to come wash my hair for me, since showering isn't possible while this drain is in. I've also had a friend offer to drive me to London on Monday for my follow up appointment. The biggest annoyance with this drain is not being able to drive. Thank goodness for great friends!
So other then this minor setback of the infection, I really have no other complaints about the surgery. I've been able to be active, out jumping on my trampoline, rollerblading, enjoying Detroit Tiger games and hanging out with friends. Some people have been telling me i'm way to active and I need to rest more, but the doctor disagreed. He said he would rather see me doing what I could and staying healthy to help my body to heal. I have been recommended not to be pushing, pulling or lifting heavy objects, but other than that, if it doesn't hurt, go ahead. He said the infection wasn't caused by anything I would have done, just my body trying to fight something off and it didn't know what do to about the "foreign object." I'm doing well, feeling good and really still being very positive about everything I went through.
I'm back working part time at the radio station this summer, which I absolutely love. I'm bummed out that i can't work this weekend though, because I can't drive! But I'll be ready to go for next week. I guess technically if I had a ride, I could work, it's not like doing radio cut ins are physically demanding. I guess the biggest issue i'd have would be trying to get prizes from the trunk, and trying to close the darn thing. Actually, that has been one of my biggest challenges since having my surgery, trunks are just really heavy and not having much of a pectoral muscle, makes closing them, difficult.
In about three weeks from now, I'm heading to Maine for my mom's family reunion and I'm really excited about it. It will be so great to see my family and to just enjoy a week of relaxtion. We are going to Point Sebago Resort. The drive will be really long, but we'll manage and it's a part of the US that i've never seen before. It means so much to me to see my mom's family because they are what I have left of my mom. The best part is, the ENTIRE family will be there (well minus my husband Scott because he has been double booked for a work trip too).
Having some fun at a Detroit Tiger game. Comerica Park. May 24, 2011. |
Big Bike 2011. No I wasn't riding the bike, just out taking pictures. It's
bitter sweet not working at the Heart and Stroke anymore. |