Justin, Dad, Me & Leah |
Brooke & Me |
Well, i'm alive. The surgery went really well and i'm home recovering now. Honestly, I thought I would be in a lot more pain after such a surgery, but i'm not really. The drain sites are starting to get really itchy, and I can't wait for the nurse to get here to change the dressing. I'm really hoping she will be able to take the drains out today or tomorrow because they are rather annoying. Otherwise, the expanders are a little uncomfortable feeling, but I can't complain because I thought it would be a whole lot worse.
Siblings. Justin, Me & Leah |
My surgery was at 9am yesterday, and they were right on time. The breast surgeon is actually on maternity leave right now, but came in to do my surgery. It was the first time I actually heard the plastic surgeon laugh. He is a pretty monotone guy, but when I said to him before the surgery "don't ruin me" he actually laughed and said he would take good care of me. So far things look good. It's really weird looking down and it's just flat, but there is a little bit of a bump there. Right now it's all bandaged up, so I'll be able to tell more when they come off in a few days. The darn nurse who put in my IV really killed my hand. Thankfully, they noticed it wasn't in right, so they moved it while I was in surgery. I've had IV's before and I knew it wasn't supposed to hurt that bad. Honestly, it was probably the most painful thing all day. I woke up from surgery at about 12 noon, and apparently was in a lot of pain. Apparently asking for friends was more important to me then drinking apple juice. They gave me more morphine and I went back off to sleep. I guess I was pretty agitated and distressed, but after I woke up more, I was feeling fine. They were quite impressed that I didn't need more pain medicine. Actually I've done pretty well with pain control. It's more discomfort that i'm feeling than anything else. When I move certain ways, I can feel the expanders inside me, and that's a little akward. I'm quite impressed though that I can lift my hands over my head and pull myself up. I'm not able to lay down flat, but I knew going into the surgery that I wouldn't be able to do that for a little while. I'm sleeping at night in a lazy boy chair, and even though it's not overly comfortable, I'm managing.
Leah, Scott, Justin, Brooke and I. Right
after surgery |
My mom's friend Pat came and stayed with me for the day today. She was such a great help. We had a great chat and she was so wonderful and made dinner for us tonight. The nurse was in today to change my dressings and she was actually really pleased with the look of the wounds. She said she has never seen a mastectomy that wasn't bruised at all, and there is absolutely no swelling. The doctor did a great job. I go back to see the surgeon on May 17th to start the expansion process. I don't think the whole emotional side of this surgery has really hit me yet, and I know that is probably still to come. I've had a lot of emails from friends and family who are praying for me, and sending positive thoughts, so that helps to make me feel better. And my former coworkers at the radio station sent me a huge fruit basket today, which was a wonderful surprise. Time for some rest now, it's been a long day.
Day 1. Drains are in. Breast Binder
still on. |