So the annoying drains that they put in after the mastectomy surgery came out yesterday, just five days after surgery. The doctor's requisition said under 30 cc's or 5 days. I was definately not at under 30 cc's, so I was happy he put in the 5 day mark. A women I know, that has just undergone a mastectomy because she has been battling breast cancer, came and sat with me while the nurse removed the drains. I'll be honest, it hurt like HELL! Thank goodness the pain only lasts for a few seconds. It was a very intense, burning/stinging kinda feeling. Once the first one was out, I thought, oh damn, there is still another one! But aside from the pain, those things were annoying and I'm so happy they are around. The nurse bandaged up the holes where the drains were, and said she would return today to clean them up. Well, apparently I heal very quickly and she was rather surprised that there wasn't any drainage that had leaked out, and the holes were already closed! She called me the "super healer chick," which I thought was rather funny. I guess my body is just ready for all of this right now. I'm young, I'm healthy and I was mentally prepared for this surgery.
Hemovac drains |
When the nurse was here today, she also changed the dressings from the breasts. I've been very nervous to see them, and when I saw them, I kinda gasped. She kept saying they looked really tidy, but honestly, there is a huge line across my boob, that is being held together with steri strips and stitches and it looks a little ridiculous. I'm quite content just keeping the bandages over them for the time being until they heal more. I'm sure once the stitches come out, and it's cleaned up more, I'll be okay with it. I'll take pictures and post them tomorrow when I finally get to take a shower.
The end of the hemovac hurts
the most when its being removed |
Good news though, I was able to get out in my car today and go for a drive! Who would have ever thought that six days after surgery, I would be out driving? I went to visit my coworkers, had lunch with a friend, and then came home. My dad came to visit this afternoon and took me for dinner at the Olive Garden, my favorite. I was almost ready to cancel on my dad because I was just so exhausted from the morning out, but I'm glad I went. Tonight i'm feeling rather tired, and my body is really achy. For a short while, I felt like I had a bit of a bug. But I think it's just my body reminding me that I've just undergone major surgery and I need to rest. Tomorrow I just plan to stay home, and relax. I'm hoping for some sun at least, because all of the rain we have had, has been rather depressing.
They say that when you are put under and anasthetic, it sometimes makes changes to your body. A lot of people talk about how their hair feels gross, or their cycles change, or whatever. Honestly, I can say that I haven't had any of these things happen at all. My hair was just fine, and my cycle still remained clockwork (maybe thats the reason i'm not feeling so well today). I really had a great doctor for this surgery, and he knew what he was doing.
One cool thing that I can share with women who are planning to have PBM's is something called a Breast Binder. I had never heard of them before my surgery, and when I woke up I was wearing one. When you come out of surgery, they will wrap your chest very tightly with a bandage or whatever. This pressure that is on your chest, saves you from lots of pain. In fact, when the nurse tries to remove the pressure, it hurts really bad. I woke up wearing this thing called a breast binder, and I can highly recommend that you ask for one. It looks like a tube top. Mine is blue and has flowers on it. It has velcro in the front of it to do it up. It was specifically designed by a breast surgeon, and what is so fantastic about it, is that I can wear it around and it just looks like i'm wearing a shirt. It even came with straps so I can make it a tank top, rather than a tube top. I've talked to a lot of women who have had this surgery, and none of them have used the breast binder before, but admit it would have been nice. Saves you from being wrapped in bandages. The website for the company that makes them is
http://www.eabmedical.com/ and they are based out of California. It might be wise to ask your surgeon if they have them before your surgery, and if you would benefit from one. It's just a nicer, more appealing dressing then gauze. I've asked around here, and no one seems to carry them. I might try and get some for the hospitals in our area, because they are so great!